Laurent Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

7 Reasons To Start Your Own Internet Business

Many people dream of firing the boss and starting their own internet business, working online from home. Is it really such a good idea? Absolutely, and I should know, because I have been working online from home for the past four years.

Here are seven reasons why starting your own internet business is an excellent idea.

1. Low Start Up Costs

Starting up an online business is inexpensive compared to starting up a traditional business. You dont need to rent office space. You dont need office furniture for half a dozen people. In fact, you dont need those half a dozen people either. Therell be no salaries to pay, no labor insurance to worry about.

With many online businesses you can get started with just a computer and an internet connection.

2. Good Profit Margins

Most online businesses have high profit margins due to the low direct cost of sales.

For example, take an internet business selling ebooks. The cost of stocking and delivering the ebooks is almost zero. Web hosting and a good mailing list management solution will cost around twenty to thirty dollars every month. And then you must pay a fairly small percentage of sales revenue for payment processing fees.

An ebook selling business can usually make a profit of 50-75% on each ebook if selling or referring other authors ebooks and as high as 90% profit selling your own ebooks or other information products that you write. Other online businesses experience similar profit margins.

3. Simplified Customer Service

If youve ever had to face angry customers across the counter of a retail store, then youll appreciate the advantage of dealing with customers through the Internet.

Many potential problems can be avoided by simply providing clear and detailed information and a good frequently asked questions section. Any remaining issues can be dealt with via web forms and email.

So the few angry customers you might, and probably will, eventually encounter will not be right in your face. You will have time to gather your thoughts and check into the situation before you respond. And in the event you need to arrange any refunds on information products, youre not really out of pocket for anything except perhaps a little of your time.

4. Global Market

An online business is also a great idea because of the size of the marketplace. Its world-wide. Your internet business can easily target customers in almost every country if you choose to. With more and more people around the world getting online thats an enormous market for your business.

5. Work from home

Do you hate having to commute to the office every day? Then youll love working online. Instead of spending a good portion of your life stuck in rush hour traffic, imagine rising in the morning, reading the newspaper while enjoying your morning coffee, then simply wandering across the room and turning on your computer to start work.

One of the nicest things about working at home is you get to choose your own working environment. After all, your workspace is where youll be spending a lot of your time, so shouldnt it be a workspace designed especially with you in mind? The desk of your dreams. A comfortable chair that your former office colleagues would kill for. Your favorite music at the flick off a switch.

6. Flexible Hours

When you are working online, you can choose to work whatever hours you like. Do you prefer to sleep late and then work through into the evening, or would you rather start at six oclock in the morning and have all your work finished by two or three oclock in the afternoon? Its up to you when you work and how many hours you work. But dont be fooled. Running your own business takes a lot of hours and the people making fortunes online usually work long hours, at least during their first two to three years while they are still building up the business.

Working flexible hours can really improve your quality of life because you will be able to spend more time with your family and friends. Never again will you have to miss an important family event.

7. Quick to Start

The seventh reason why working online with an internet business is a great idea is that you can start up very quickly. For some simple online business models such as article marketing and affiliate marketing you can actually be up and running and earning your first online payments within a couple of days.

Admittedly, some larger online business ventures will take months of planning and preparation, but most people getting started in online business will start out with one of the simpler, more proven, internet business strategies mentioned above.

Thats seven great reasons to start your own internet business. There are certainly many more good reasons, but perhaps these seven will inspire you to start an online business of your own.

Daniel Moro has been successfully building online businesses for ten years. Download your free report on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' at http://www.DanielMoro.comInconnue Blog67819
Kirbee Blog80267

Skin Changes During Menopause

During the course of the natural menopause process, many women notice surprising changes in the texture and appearance of their skin. Most women begin noticing a generalalized all-over drying of the skin. They also start to notice wrinkles forming where the skin has begun drying.

It is common to turn to estrogen based hormone replacement therapy to treat these and other menopause-related skin problems. The side effects from this type of therapy, though, can lead to further problems. If a cream form of estrogen is used on the affected areas, it can act as a moisturizing agent. However, this cream is unavailable n the United States so most doctors are unable to prescribe it. Progesterone cream has also been successful as a moisturizer, but most doctors believe the side effects outweigh any benefits of prescribing it to their patients. However, there are a number of anti-aging, non-prescription creams that are gaining popularity, and most of them are very effective. It is helpful to keep in mind though, that aging skin is a part of growing older. To some degree, accepting it instead of fighting it may help you retain abetter overall self-image. If you do attempt to use something like estrogen cream, you may have to live with side effects such as general weight gain or darkening skin.

If your skin loses its tone or the wrinkles appear rapidly, it may be an indication of collagen loss. This can result in more serious problems, like collagen loss in the bones. This may indicative of osteoporosis. If you suspect that this is the case, you should consult your physician immediately.

As your skin ages during menopause, you are more prone to developing broken capillaries or spider veins that are visible to the naked eye. One of the best available means to prevent these is full body moisturization. You can begin by increasing your daily regular water consumption. It is also beneficial to supplement your diet with raw flaxseed oil. It can be added to vegetables or salad. Using herbal liposome-containing skin products can also help moisturize your skin. Liposomes transport moisture to the cells below the epidermal layer. This can protect and benefit your overall skin tone.

There are a number of other available products that may moisturize your skin during menopause. Apricot kernel oil, Cocoa butter, olive oil, and almond oil have all been proven to be quite helpful at hydrating the skin. Alpha hydroxy acids naturally rejuvenates the skin by exfoliating it. Check the product labels on these products, to ensure that concentrations contain at least eight percent alpha hydroxy acid. Fruit acids are also effective to promote skin rejuvenation. Two popular examples are papaya and strawberry pastes.

Learn to live with your post-menopausal skin. Take care of it and protect it by remaining out of the sun and applying daily sun screen. Use only products that you know to be effective on your skin. Always consult your doctor or healer when you have concerns or are trying something new.

Mary Brown writes for several online magazines, such as and Blog6022
Leland Blog97924

How To Choose a Forex Trading System That Works and Suits You

There are so many different trading systems you could use to trade the forex market, some better suited to certain people than others. For example some people may find it easier to comprehend and take into account fundamental factors as opposed to looking at a screen covered in technical indicators, and vice-versa.

The first logical step in determining what type of trading system would best suit you is actually being aware and understand the widely known methods of analysis used in trading the currency market. Once you are aware of the tools that are available, you can generally tell what type of analysis suits you. For example some of the main technical analysis methods which are popular include:

Pivot points

Chart patterns

Fibonacci retracements

Candlestick patterns

And some fundamental factors which are widely used include analyzing:

Interest rates

Trade balances

Unemployment rates

Gross domestic product (GDP)

You may now actually be able to develop your own system by combining certain methods of analysis together, giving you a method which you are comfortable with. On the other hand you may decide that you would like to trade someone elses system, either way, that brings us to the next step which is determining the profitability of a trading system.

Determining Profitability

Most people would think that back testing is the best way to determine a systems profitability. However back testing doesnt always give you a true idea of how profitable a system is. The reason for this is because when youre back testing your system on historical charts, you are only seeing the obvious setups which have occurred, and not always seeing the ones that are less obvious. These less obvious ones sometimes can produce losses, which is why back testing isnt always the best method to implement.

A better method of determining profitability is by trading your system in real-time with a demo account. This would give you a true understanding of what your system is capable of. This would also allow you to familiarize yourself with your trading platform at the same time. When determining profitability you must look at it in terms of expectancy and opportunity.

Expectancy & Opportunity

These two factors together will be able to tell you what you could expect to make over a period of time. Expectancy is calculated with the following formula:

(Probability of winning average win) (Probability of losing average loss)

This will give you a figure which is the average amount you can expect to make per trade. This shouldnt be a negative amount, if it is you should look at some other method of trading since you cannot make money on a system that produces a negative expectancy. Obviously the higher this figure is the better. Now to the opportunity factor.

The opportunity factor is how often you are able to trade using your system. By multiplying your expectancy figure with your opportunity factor it will tell you how much you could expect to make over a period of time. The more opportunity you have to trade, the more money you should expect to make. This now brings us to the last component of a trading system, money management.

Money Management

Without proper money management you will end up as a statistic. In other words one of those 90%+ of traders who loose their money. Money management tells you how much of your account balance to risk per trade. The whole point of money management is to ensure your survival over the long term, and to preserve your capital.

The most common form of money management is the percent risk model which tells you not to risk more than x percent of your account balance on any one trade. A range between 1-3% is generally an accepted amount which has been a reliable percentage to use in order to make money in the long term.


By taking into consideration the above factors you will be able to determine if a trading system best suits you, and with some simple mathematical calculations you will be able to determine its profitability.

Bret Freak is the owner of where you can find information on forex trading systems & strategies available online.Elisabeth Blog89775
Hermes Blog88673

How Do You Support Yourself?

"You can't help someone get up a hill without getting closer to the top yourself."
--H. Norman Schwarzkopf

Is it better to go it alone or navigate life with a support system of friends, colleagues and people in your community who care about you and what you do? Most people probably nod their heads and say, Yes, of course; establishing a support system is important. But in practice, our tendency is to believe that operating alone shows resilience, strength and a stiff upper lip.

What constitutes a support system? Its a collection of friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances who show a keen interest in listening, discussing and guiding without judgment. Without judgment is key. You cant support and judge at the same time. Its not possible; if someone tells you it is, run the other way fast!

What stops us from building a strong and vibrant network? Perhaps we want to show the world that were strong and invincible. After all, we think, wouldnt asking for even occasional assistance give the perception that were vulnerable? We fear these consequences whether theyre real or imagined. And this hurts us personally and professionally.

Yet cultivating a healthy support network nets many benefits:

-You feel better on all levels mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

-Your productivity increases. Look at any successful person and youll see an individual surrounded by an active support network of friends and advisors.

-Your health improves. When we rely on a support system, our stress decreases and we rely less on other props, including food, alcohol or overwork.

-Your life feels richer and fuller. As you form more connections, you recognize that each one, whether theyre acquaintances, colleagues or intimate friends serves a distinct and meaningful purpose in your life.

Sound impossible? Its not. Start by thinking through the following questions and youll have a good sense of how to build a network that fits your lifestyle:

- What does support look like to you? How do you feel when youre being supported?

- Whats working in your current support system? Whats missing?

- What rules do you make up about asking for help? For example, I recognized a rule that it was only okay to hire a babysitter for my son when I needed coverage for work rather than for fun or self-care.

- What does your ideal support network look like? How many people? What environments? How would you ideally communicate and interact with your friends, family or colleagues?

- If you could order the perfect support system, what would change? How would you benefit? Get clear write it down and post the description in a prominent spot.

Imagine receiving an abundance of support. Imagine it at home, at work and anywhere else thats important to you. Imagine knowing theres a safety net beneath you at all times people prepared to catch you if you fall and ready to celebrate you succeed.

Most importantly, remember that life is not a solo act. Were meant to be interdependent, to connect with others, to form communities of like-minded people.

So get out there! Weave a strong, healthy support network and watch yourself grow and succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

Claudette Rowley is a professional coach, speaker and author who helps savvy professionals like you identify their true purpose and calling and mobilize the courage to pursue it. Sign up for her free monthly ezine "Insights for the Savvy" at or contact her at info@metavoice.orgBarbara Blog68383
Marcel Blog23934

Cookie Cutter Websites

"Cookie cutter websites" are websites that are duplicated like using a cookie cutter. They are sold under the pretense of making the purchaser a lot of money. They usually make money for the seller not the purchaser. They border on being a SCAM.

One of the best services that I could do for mankind on the Internet is to shout from the mountain top, "Do not buy ready made, "cookie cutter" websites". These usually only make the seller any money.

A "cookie cutter" site is one that the builder creates so the title of the site can be easily changed to your domain name and the sites can be stamped out like using a "cookie cutter". The site is sold under the pretense that all you have to do to make LOTS of money is buy the site and pay to have it hosted on the Internet. The site has ready made links to products and services from which you are told will make a commission each time a person clicks a link. Usually the products and services are sold by the company that developed the website so they make most of the money if you do get a sale. They keep telling you, "Just think how much money you will make by having a site like this on the Internet".

For those of you who have "cookie cutter" sites, its time for true confessions. When I first started on the Internet I did not know the magic word "traffic". I was nave and thought that all you did was set up a website and the world beat a path to it to click on your offerings. I read an ad that said, "My little website made me $11,000 in a week". I thought, "Wow, if that site made him that much money, just a small percentage of that will be fine with me". Little did I know that the marketer who sold this "cookie cutter" site had a list of over 40,000 to which to promote the web site.

There were several testimonials in his sales letter about how people who had bought the site were raking in the money. When I later researched the testimonials, I found that these were from other Internet marketers who had large lists and could drive traffic to their "cookie cutter" sites.Beware of the fraternity of Internet marketers. They scratch each others backs.

I bought the site and guess what. The only benefit I received from it was from some really good bonuses that were attached to the deal. It was a "live and learn" experience. I have justified it to myself that the bonuses were worth the amount I paid, but they really werent.

Since then I have seen many of these sites on the Net, and I really think it is a shame that people do this to other people.

The time and money spent trying to promote someone elses "cookie cutter" site could be better spent creating your own site with your own personality.

So much of what is sold on the Internet should require the seller to tell "the rest of the story" to quote Paul Harvey. The untold part of the truth is really a lie.

You can build your own website with the right guidance and assistance. For more information about building your own website instead of paying for another "cookie cutter site", click the following link:


Good luck in your future Internet career with your own website.

Copyright 2007 John Howe, Inc.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has worked with computers for over 44 years. He is an expert in website creation and web hosting. He has published over 60 articles on the Internet covering diverse topics. His website helps people analyze their needs and match those needs to the best web host. He also publishes an ezine for Internet entrepreneurs.Fulbert Blog59205
Clarisse Blog96415

Make Cooking Easier As Easy-Home-Cooking

Modern Cooking

Still feel good? Well, Ill make you healthy day today. What about your dishes today. Want to make house come different? Its all up to you as long as its a healthy dish. Today we will learn.

Modern cooking - Although classical cookery must constitute the basis of all innovations, the trend today is towards safe and efficient storage, simplification of food preparation methods and service, and improved nutrition. The classical art of cooking and modern cooking are dependent upon one another. Only those innovations and classical dishes which conform to basic nutritional principles in terms of ingredients, methods of preparation, and all other culinary rules can be considered modern.

The increasing interest in nutrition and in the nutritive value of foods has greatly influenced food choices. These choices are based on foods that are rich in nutrients, low in calories, and free of synthetic additives. In an effort to reduce fat consumption, whole milk and cream are being replaced by low-fat milk and yoghurt; herbs are replacing butter as seasoning for vegetables; more fish and fresh vegetables are being consumed; and fresh fruits are substituted for desserts that are high in calories. The use of basic methods of preparation, such as blanching, poaching, steaming, and grilling, that will conserve nutrients is equally as important as providing variety. Synthesizing classical cookery with these principal that lead to the health and well-being of the individual is basic to modern cooking.

Dietary Cooking - A specific diet is based on the modifications of the nutritional components of the normal diet. Included in these changes are modifications in the number of calories; modifications in one or more of the nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals); and modifications in texture and seasoning (liquid, bland, or low residue). Although most of the normal foods are used, they must be tailored to meet the needs of the individual and be prepared so that none of the nutritional content is lost or damaged.



Sometimes there are too many things in your refrigerator, this will turn it smelly. ( curry, soups, sauces, pudding, etc..) Put about 300 gram of charcoal at one corner of your refrigerator (medium sized).The charcoal contains chemical substance that naturally will absorb the bad smell.. IF the smell still does not gone, take away all things in your refrigerator and wash the refrigerator.

From the back desk,

Dr. Chef

Dr. Chef, Webmaster for .Dr. Chef has been a chef in hotel around the world.From China to India, Middle East to South Africa and Canada to Australia. Now retired as a chef and doing a consultant company in restaurant and hotel business in south East-asia.Estelle Blog70815
Jessica Blog57506

Choosing The Right Tent And Enjoy Your Camping Trip

Whoever you are, whatever your walk of life, camping is a brilliant way to spend your weekends and vacations. After all, camping truly does let you get away from it all. When you are hiking deep in the forest, or fishing by a lake, there are no phones ringing off the hook, or deadlines to meet. On a camping expedition, you are totally free of the pressures and stresses of modern life.

Whether you are a newcomer to camping, or a seasoned old hand having the right equipment is critical to enjoying your time in the great outdoors. Choosing the right tent is one of the most important decisions you can make when outfitting yourself for camping.

Before you shop for your new tent, there are a number of things to consider. Firstly, the type of tent you will need varies according to the number of people you are planning to house, and what activity you are involved in. Tents come in a range of sizes, from single person tents, to very large multi-person varieties. If you are planning to hike, you will need to carry your tent whilst you walk, so a small, light weight tent will be required. If you intend to pitch your campsite at a fixed location accessible by car, you could opt for a larger, heavier weight model.

Another consideration will be the season and weather conditions that you expect to encounter. Each tent is designed to maintain a high level of human comfort in a specific type of environment, so you need to be clear whether you will be camping in the winter or summer, mild or inclement weather.

Other factors to consider are the strength of both the structure and the material of your tent. For instance, you can opt for cotton, polyethylene, nylon, rip-stop nylon, double sewn seams, and heavy-duty zippers. Whatever the fabric, your tent must be fit to stand extreme weather, even if you are not expecting to encounter poor conditions. Be sure to buy one that is totally seam taped to avoid leaking in the rain.

Ideally you should select a tent that meets all these requirements, and is easy to erect and deconstruct as well. After all, you want to spend your time enjoying the wilderness, not spending hours pitching a tent!

Talking to staff at your local outdoor outfitting store is a good start to finding the perfect tent for you.

Peter Mack writes for, a website packed with articles and resources about choosing the right tentFini Blog83665
Fulbert Blog59205

Avoid Work at Home Scams

In your search for legitimate work at home jobs, you are faced with an overabundance of choices. How do you avoid the scams? Are there any legitimate online jobs available? What questions should you ask?

First of all, always proceed with caution. Most ads for work at home opportunities omit certain facts, including only the information that will draw your attention to the ad. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Do not fall for the easy money trap. Running a work at home business is similar to any other business. It requires hard work, skill, a good product, perseverance, and knowledge of your business.

Beware of the following common work at home scams:

* ASSEMBLY OR CRAFT WORK: Most of these programs tell you how easy it is to produce goods for a company that promises to buy them from you once you complete them, thus earning you a nice weekly income. They fail to tell you how many hours are required in order to produce those items, how much of your money is required as an investment in supplies, and that you will never be paid because no work ever done by anyone is up to standard.

*CHAIN LETTERS: You make copies of a certain letter and send that letter to people whose names and addresses are provided. All you are required to do is send ten dollars for a mailing list and labels. You are then shown a chart to see how you can automatically receive thousands of dollars. The only people who ever make any money from chain letters are the ones who are at the top of the chain who, by the way, are continually changing the names and post office boxes.

*ENVELOPE STUFFING: Ads for envelope stuffing have been around for years in various formats. The basic claim is that for a fee, you will be provided with directions to earn money from home simply by stuffing envelopes. After you make the initial investment, you discover there was never any real employment offer. Instead, you are told how to place ads in newspapers, magazines, online classifieds, etc. The only way for you to earn money is if people respond to your ads.

*MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING: Many illegal pyramid schemes can resemble legitimate MLM programs. Multi-level marketing is a business primarily based on direct sales, not recruiting. The pyramid schemes primary goal is to recruit others into the program instead of selling the product. At some point, everything collapses because the market becomes saturated and only a few people at the top have made money.

*MEDICAL BILLING: Ads for medical billing are everywhere. The sales pitch says there is a crisis in the health care industry due to the massive task of processing paper claims. Since only a small fraction of the claims are fulfilled electronically, the opportunities in this area are huge. You are also promised to be provided with clients.

Unfortunately, the reality is that you have to do the selling yourself. Very few people who invest in a medical billing business are able to find clients and generate an income. The competition in this market is brutal and primarily centers on a few large companies.

If you find yourself interested in a home-based opportunity and want to pursue it, acquire as much information as possible about the company. Know who you are dealing with. A legitimate company will have no problem with providing answers to your questions concerning costs, work involved, etc.

Be very clear in your questions regarding the costs involved. Confirm that you are not required to pay for additional fees above and beyond the start-up fee or initial investment. Make sure you know what the refund policy is.

Before making any investments in any companies, insist upon receiving contact information for references. Contact those references and speak to them, preferably in person. Ask them if the company follows through with their claims and if they have any complaints.

It can be very beneficial for you to spend some time researching work at home opportunities. There are many resources available specifically designed to answer your questions regarding online employment.

There are also resources that list legitimate companies that hire people to work from home. A very good source is to search for large company and corporate websites (IBM, Penneys, Disney, etc.). Whatever store, company or corporation you can think of, they will probably have a website. If they have a website, there will be a link for jobs.

You can also search general employment sites (,,, etc.). There are scores of websites for general job searches and there are always some home-based jobs listed.

There are companies that will hire you to split your time between an office and your home. Many major corporations now that offer this kind of flexibility for their employees. You might even be able to convert your present job into a telecommuting one. It never hurts to ask your employer.

Many legitimate home-based opportunities are available, but you must spend some time and effort locating them. Always remember, if you are unsure about an opportunity, ask questions. You will not know if something is a possibility for you unless you get answers to your questions.

If you do invest in a work at home opportunity and discover that it is not legitimate, contact the company and ask for a refund. If they will not honor your request, find out the physical address and contact information of the company. You can then make a complaint with the Better Business Bureau or your local Attorney Generals office. You can also find out if any other complaints have been received for that company.

Chris Chenoweth writes articles pertaining to health and nutrition, budgeting, and online business. If you would like additional information regarding work at home opportunities, learn how to earn a respectable income every month from legitimate online companies. You ARE required to put in some work but there are no hidden fees or investments required and you can start immediately: Blog72633
Fabrice Blog45077

How A Home Equity Line Of Credit Can Help Your Finances

A home equity line of credit unlocks your homes value so it can work for you. Owning your home can provide you with a financial resource that can help you with your financial needs.

Since equity is the value of your home minus the remaining mortgage outstanding, you may be sitting on the cash that you can use to improve your financial situation, renovate your home or go on that vacation youve always dreamed of.

Why Would You Want a Home Equity Line of Credit?

A line of credit is not like a typical loan which provides a lump sum of money to you and then begins charging you interest at a fixed rate until repaid. Instead, it acts like revolving credit (much like your credit card). You only use as much or as little as you want and you only pay interest on the amount you have used. Also, like a credit card, when the debt is repaid you still have access to the credit. In contrast, with a typical loan, you would be paying interest on the full amount of the loan. And when a loan is paid off, you no longer have that credit available to you you would have to reapply for a new loan.

The main feature of a home equity line of credit is providing you greater flexibility at accessing credit with the least cost. Not only can you access the credit only as you need it, but your monthly payments reflect only the balance you used. So the less you use of it, the lower your payment. Some lines of credit require you to only the interest as the minimum payment. This feature can be helpful when finances are tight. (Be careful, it takes discipline not to use this feature to fuel spending habits).

A home equity line of credit is great when you don't have a large fixed amount to spend in one place. While you can find many uses for your line of credit, here are some more common reasons for obtaining a home equity line of credit.

Consolidate Debt

One of the more important uses for your home equity line of credit is to consolidate debt. You can eliminate the stress of multiple bills and also receive a more favorable interest rate or tax benefit.

Second Mortgage

You may come across a time when you find your mortgage interest rate higher than your home equity line of credits interest rate. If that is the case, then using your line of credit to pay off the existing mortgage for better interest rates makes sense.

Home Renovations, Additions

You may use your line of credit for renovating or building that new addition to your home. You pay less interest than you would if you used a credit card and that makes it a wise financial choice.

When Should You Not Use a Home Equity Line of Credit?

Before making hasty decisions with your new found money source, its important to evaluate the additional risk.

Some debts have features that you may not be entitled to if you switch them to an equity line of credit. A perfect example is your student loans. They are subject to special conditions that if changed by you, can cost you. You need to check into your student loan terms and conditions before considering moving them.

With the feature to pay only the interest you may lack the motivation to pay off the debt and end up paying only the interest for a long time. When this happens, you end up owing for items that have lost their value over time. It makes more financial sense to avoid using your line of credit to buy items that depreciate and focus on items that will increase in value overt time. Also, make plans to pay off the debt quickly for the most advantage.

Lines of credit take advantage of current low interest rates which means they are subject to fluctuating interest rates. If you need larger financing that will take a long time to pay off, you may find that regular loans protect you better. A fixed rate loan can provide piece of mind knowing that your monthly payments are not going to increase as interest rates go up.

Using your finances wisely can give you great relief and freedom. Before taking on any financial obligations it is important to understand the risks as well as the benefits.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides information and solutions.Kimmie Blog45560
Aude Blog38606

Coordinate Men's Clothing: Colors and Pattern Matching

It is common for most men to face dilemma in mens fashion coordination. Our typical questions are:

How to match colors for mens dress shirts and mens dress pants?
How to coordinate checks with stripes?
What are the colors suitable between my suits and ties?
Are the colors and patterns matching my suits and ties?

These questions kept popping up because men generally has a poorer power of visualization than women. Men can not imagine the way things look like based on the colors and patterns through imagination. So there is a strong reliance for pictures to provide guidance for men's dressing.

Therefore, I will attempt to address these concerns and provide the fundamental information necessary to achieve the best coordination. When we look at color coordination, there are two aspects to focus on: Coordinating mens clothing against our complexion and creating color harmony between different hues and shades.

For dealing with colors involving our complexion, we would not want to wear colors that brings out the negative aspect of our complexion. For example, if you are very fair with light colored hair, then you should not be wearing pale colored shirts like yellow or white that will wash out your facial complexion further. Instead choose earthy colors to warm up the face with vibrancy.

Color combination between clothing would require the understanding of hues and tones. It is the similarity and contrasting criteria of hues and tones that brings the harmony when combining these colors. We must learn how to use the vivid colors against the dull and light colors to accentuate different parts of your men's clothing. It catches attention and yet not steal the focus away from your face.

For mixing pattern, there is coordination between pattern of same design and patterns of different designs. The ultimate challenge is mixing three or four patterns together but not looking ridiculous at all. The fundamental art of working with patterns is the understanding of scales and sizes of patterns so that you can merge them together without creating tension or strong clashing vibration.

Overall, the aim of coordination for colors and patterns is to achieve naturalness as well as bringing out the best blend that brightens up the mans overall look.

In order to learn the art of achieving the best coordination, we would have to play around with our clothing to realize the concept. Thereafter, mixing and matching colors and patterns would just come as a natural flow in you. It is through the consistent trial and error that we build up our knowledge of what goes with what and how we can best coordinate them.

Leroy Fong Baudouin Blog46027
Laurent Blog5920

Choosing the Best Treadmill, Among Treadmills

Getting enough daily exercise helps in maintaining a physically fit body. You can do your exercise workouts in your own home or in fitness gyms. If youre getting tired of youre old routine exercises, one great alternative to do is complicated running or walking exercises using a treadmill.

Treadmills can be quite expensive, true, but this is usually the case when you buy treadmills with luxurious features. There are also cheap treadmills that you can purchase if youre on a tight budget. Treadmills are becoming more and more popular for many years now. The treadmill is a well-known effective device that burns calories.

Choosing the best treadmill, if there really is one, can be a very challenging task. Different treadmills have different interactions with a persons body. And there are many treadmill models out in the market.

Before shopping for a treadmill, it would be better if you get to use different models of treadmills. And a good place to start is the gym, or you can also try your friends treadmill. Getting a hands-on experience with two or more treadmill models will help you in assessing which treadmill model will work for you best. Take note of the one that youre comfortable with, and one that is easy for your use.

Another important thing to do is to ask for opinions from people having treadmills of their own. A very good example is a fitness gym owner. You can also ask gym instructors, a friend or a colleague, and even family members that have experienced using treadmills.

Once youve decided to purchase, list down first the treadmill features that you like. Some treadmill features may include heart-rate monitors, displays that show the amount of burnt calories, step counters, and the treadmills ability to change the incline or speed.

Usually, features determine the price. The more luxurious the features are, the more expensive it is. But if youre just a starter, you can go for basic models of treadmill which are more affordable.

Another important consideration is the noise. If you dont want to be bothered with the noise coming from treadmills, check for the treadmills noise level. Cheaper treadmills have very loud motors. But the noise can be resolved easily if you put the treadmill near the television set. If youre not doing anything, watch a TV show while exercising or you can listen to the radio. This can also kill the boredom when youre doing your exercises. Using treadmill exercise videos will also take your attention away from the treadmills noise, and you get to perform your exercise the right way.

Choose a treadmill with a long-term performance and one that is easily maintained. There are services which offer consumer assistance and it is wise if you take part in these services and use it to your advantage. Treadmills with a long-term performance level go a long way and a good investment as well. Maintenance of the treadmill is equally important. Over time, some parts of the treadmill will wear out and will need to be replaced. Make sure that the treadmills parts are available at least within your locality.

Compatibility with the treadmill is the biggest consideration when buying the best treadmill of your choice. If you enjoy doing your daily exercise with your treadmill, then you have found the best treadmill that youve been looking for.

Rajesh Karavadia is the author of, an informative website about treadmills. Different types of readmills are discussed including information on proform 525 ex treadmill and trotter treadmills.Chien Blog64335
Lesley Blog48854

3 Little Known Tips for Cardio

I've got a confession to make...

In the year 2006, I've seen so many articles on cardio that it even made me confused! Everything from don't with it "good night to cardio" to cardio is worthless to HIIT training and all kinds of crazy ideas. There's anti-cardio gurus and cardio masters.

At times, cardio seems like a diet plan.

Let me explain that...

With a diet, you have so many foods to choose from that you can literally make any combination up and call it a "diet."

Cardio seems to be that way lately. There's a lot you can do with your cardio workouts. Keep them short, make them intense, do all kinds of machines, do it every day, do it once a week, don't use machines at all but go outside and run hills... etc. List goes on and on.

Let's try and answer the question of the best time to do cardio and how much recovery after your weight sessions you need in order to get workout but without burning up any precious muscle.

3 Simple Steps to Effective Cardio Workouts

1- Use cardio as a tool.

Cardiovascular exercise is good for the heart. However, so is weight training. And lifting weights and building muscle will do more to get you leaner than 6 spin classes 6 times a week.

If your goal is to build muscle and gain weight or burn off the fat, then use cardio sparingly as a way to your goal.

Did you know that 1 lb of muscle burns more calories than 1 lb of fat? By focusing on building more muscle, you'll get leaner quicker than if you plug away at a treadmill all day long.

Let's put it this way...

If you cut bread with a saw (weight training) it gets the job done nicely. But if you cut the bread with a saw and then use a finely sharpened knife to make the slides perfect (cardio) you'll get the best of both worlds.

You'll get slides of bread quickly (saw) and you'll get them neatly carved out (knife).

If you can think of cardio as a tool to stripping off unwanted fat AFTER your weight training and nutrition is in order, you'll use the tool as it's meant to be used.

2- Do your cardio at the right times.

There's a loaded question if I ever saw one!

a) the right time is anytime it works for you. If you read several articles about morning cardio and you simply cannot do it, then do it when you can. There's plenty of studies that debate the optimal time to do cardio but they all point to the single fact that it doesn't make a massive difference in your overall gains. When it comes to eliminating body fat. Whether it's early morning, late evening, the most important thing is that you just do it.

b) do your cardio AFTER your weight workouts. Why after? Because your weight training workouts require something called glycogen. That's short term fuel. If you burn off and use up your short term fuel first, you'll have little to give when it comes to your muscles.

The fuel your muscles need for a weight training workout is different from the potential fuel sources you can use when doing cardiovascular activities.

When you do your cardio AFTER your weight training sessions, you are warmed up and have a better chance at using fat as a fuel source over glycogen.

3- Separate your cardio from your weight training sessions

If at all possible, try and give yourself plenty of time between a cardio workout and a weight session. Some programs recommend 8 hours. This means you'll do cardio in the AM and weights in the PM. You'll have plenty of time for post-workout nutrition and a few meals in there as well to help with recovery.

But what if you can't?

2 Tips to Cardio Workouts

Tip #1 - Do your cardio AFTER your weight session as in the step above. While this won't be ideal, it allows your body to use glycogen for short term fuel for the weights and potentially fat as a fuel source.

Tip #2 - Engage in post-workout nutrition (protein and carbs) after your weight training session. While you probably won't burn as much fat, you won't risk burning off as much muscle either.

The reason your body burns muscle is that it costs a lot to maintain it (metabolically speaking). In that case, make sure you can support the muscle by not overtraining and engaging in proper nutrition.

Those two simple concepts will go a long way in helping you to preserve muscle when you have a short rest period between a weight training session and a cardiovascular workout.

The bottom line is that cardiovascular exercise is part of a health and fitness routine. It should be used as a tool. Sometimes more (getting ready for a competition) and sometimes less (lean bulking). Lately it's been over-rated but it certainly isn't worthless.

Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can get info on Marc's e-book at: . To get Marc's free e-zine, visit Blog35358
Gabriel Blog43633

Get Interest Free Cash With 0% Balance Transfers

If you have a great credit rating and no debt, then you could be in line to make some money. And you can do it using the tools that credit card tarts have been using for years.

The Credit Card Tart System

Credit card tarts have used the incentives offered by lenders to their advantage for quite a long time. These incentives often consist of 0% interest on balance transfers for a fixed period of up to 12 months. Borrowers who have a debt apply for a new 0% credit card and transfer that debt to the new card. They make repayments as they normally would, but the balance owed is reduced since no interest is being charged.

When the incentive period is due to end, credit card tarts look around for a new 0% deal. They apply for the new card at least six weeks before the expiry of the old 0% deal, so they have plenty of time to transfer the outstanding balance onto their new 0% card.

This serial card switching allows borrowers to clear debt without paying any interest. Lenders have begun to fight back as they are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds' worth of interest. Many of them now charge a balance transfer fee of about 2%. However, there are still some fee free balance transfers available, which is good news fro debt-free consumers looking to use the system to make some money.

How To Earn Money On A 0% Card

To make money from a 0% balance transfer card, it is necessary to have a good credit rating and to get two new credit cards. One credit card has a 0% balance transfer rate. This must be a card that does not charge a balance transfer fee. The second allows credit card cheques at no additional charge.

The borrower can use the balance transfer card to transfer a sum of money onto the card that allows credit card cheques. The borrower can then write a cheque for that amount and pay it into a high interest savings account. This strategy only works if the interest earned is more than the amount being paid. Borrowers can use the same technique to get a low interest loan. Long term balance transfer rates are lower than standard interest rates on loans.

But Is It Legal?

There is nothing to prevent borrowers from using their cards in this way. As long as they make repayments on time and in full, there are unlikely to be complaints. It is also essential to keep credit card applications to a minimum so there are no red flags on the borrower's credit report. There's no reason why borrowers who stick to these rules and make payments on time shouldn't make a bit of money from their credit cards. And while they're shopping around for the perfect credit cards, it's worth checking out the other incentives as well.

Joe Kenny writes for the personal finance sites and also Blog3390
Kimmie Blog45560

Why Flash?

Many possible technologies exist that can power web based games. Php, HTML, CGI and Java amongst them, but the most common plugin used to design browser games by far is Adobe Flash, previously known as Macromedia Flash. One of the biggest reasons for this is that Flash has become a definite web standard.

Many PCs come with the Flash player installed. It is compatible with Linux, Apple Mac, BSD, cellphones, PDAs and a whole host of other devices. Over 520 million unique installations of Flash have been recorded, and it has been around since the days of Windows 98. This statistic accounts for approximately 95% of all Internet users.

Flash Player is also a free download, so if the user does not have it, it's only a few seconds and negligible bandwidth away, no matter the platform. Likewise, Adobe Flash is a comparably cheap product for the developers, and time input required is minimal to create simple games, compared to using other technologies.

A powerful but often overlooked feature of Flash is that it makes small files. For ten megabytes, in Flash, you can get a full featured game. This helps Flash to appeal to dialup or slower broadband users where Java or C couldn't. Flash can also use database connectivity to save scoreboards, progress and account details, which is rare in a format so smooth.

Flash is efficient, applets made in it tend to run on computers that you'd be hard-pressed to find outside of an antique shop. It is the empowering technology of choice on a certain well-known pet site, which almost certainly has users on dialup and on poor computers.

Something to remember is that Browser Games have a completely different TA (target audience) than that of AAA list games. Browser games are made for the casual player, someone who wants to play immediately and at his/her convenience, as such it must load fast, play fast and keep the user's interest. Developing a successful Flash game is very difficult, because generally if a user becomes disinterested, one or two clicks will take him/her to a completely different game.

So, what about monetizing a Flash game? Well, the standard is based on the shareware model. You have a teaser version of a game on a website and then allow users to download a 'Deluxe' build for a set fee. Often the producer will allow lots of sites to list their 'teaser' games; this is a clever form of viral marketing.

Possibly the most solid reason to use Flash is that it would always be fairly easy to find people willing to draw in the Flash SWF vector format. Other technologies would require external animation but with Flash, the motion, the drawing and the script can all be done in a single interface.

Graphical objects within this interface can have specified alpha values, positionings, angles of rotation, explosion effects and many built in motion tweening effects. It is this versatility and built in function that makes it a real joy to work with.

Flash is fast-becoming the only standard for browser based gaming, because it requires no real programming knowledge. The scripting language is very well explained on several websites, and in the included tutorials.

But the main reason? Simple. There are many very dedicated sites out there which will effectively get your product out for free. Even if all the other points in this article didn't exist, it is the only format with true open distribution.

Jonathan White has been involved with free online flash and shockwave games for over 4 years. He owns & Blog63216
Fulbert Blog24464

A Visitors Guide To Vienna Austria

The country of Austria consists of nine states; one of them being Vienna. In addition to being one of the nine states Vienna is also the capital of Austria. So when it comes to this country, Vienna is the place to be. It is easily the biggest city in the entire country, and also has the highest population. The city of Vienna is the home to nearly 1.6 million people. And with all of these people comes a variety of cultures, beliefs, and religions. This makes Vienna one of the most fully diverse cities in the area.

If you are thinking about traveling to Vienna you need to know where it is at first. A lot of people have no clue where Austria is, but the fact of the matter is that it is quite easy to find. Austria is in Central Europe, and is close to countries such as Hungary and Slovakia. This makes it very easy for the people of Vienna to move in and out of their country with ease. Again, this helps to ensure the absolute diversity of this area of Central Europe.

You can have a lot of fun in Vienna if you know what you are doing. Vienna may not be the most popular destination for vacationers, but it definitely has a lot to offer. The culture in Vienna is unlike anything else in the area, and this is what draws in tourists time and time again. The city has a long history of diverse cultures. And if you like the arts you are in the right city. The theaters of Vienna are considered to be among the best in the world, and this is especially true when it comes to the Burgtheater; this is one of the biggest attractions in the entire city among tourists. In addition to the theaters you will also want to save time to visit the museums that are home to some of the great pieces of art in the world. As you can see Vienna is full of culture.

The weather in Vienna is typical of Central Europe. As a tourist you can visit Vienna during anytime of the year, but your best option would probably be during the months of June through August. During the summer months the weather is usually dry, and the temperature holds steady around 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. During winter months the temperatures in the area can drop into the lower 30s making it a bit cold to enjoy your vacation to the area.

To get in and out of Vienna your best bet is the Vienna International Airport. Year in and year out this airport sends out and lands over 230,000 flights. This makes the Vienna International Airport one of the best in all of Central Europe.

The tourism industry in Vienna is holding steady. It may not be as great as other European cities, but Vienna does have a lot to offer. If you are interested in culture and the arts, Vienna is a city that you would fall in love with in no time.

You have the author's permission to publish this article in your ezine or on your website as long as you do not modify it. You must retain the resource box with live link back to the Search Austria Hotels website.

Thomas SmithCorinne Blog31518
Edwige Blog5695

The Mayors College Fair Provides Tuition Assistance for Washington D.C. Schools

The Mayors College Fair brings together a variety of programs available for the Washington D.C. schools and their students preparing for college tuition costs. This event takes place on September 15, 2006 and provides information about a variety of college tuition assistantship programs. Students in the Washington D.C. schools are encouraged to attend the Mayors College Fair in order to learn more about the special programs open to them as Washington D.C. students.

The Mayors College Fair is being held for the first time this year as part of the Washington D.C. schools effort to coordinate the various assistantships available to graduating seniors as well as provide a public forum for discussing and disseminating this information. Hopefully, this will become an annual event at the beginning of each school year as a new class of seniors looks forward to the joys and burdens of financing a college education. This meeting will hopefully provide a structure for students in Washington D.C. schools seeking guidance about financial aid programs and packages available for Washington D.C. students.

The D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant Program

One program that has promised great potential in aiding Washington D.C. school graduates pay for college is the D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant Program (DCTAGP). This program has been going on since 2000 and provided over $100 million towards the education costs of DC residents attending college. This program covers the difference between instate and out of state tuition, up to $10,000 per year for qualified applicants. The grant can be extended over six years at any public college or university nationwide. In addition, there are limited funds available for students attending private colleges in the Washington D.C. area as well as two year community colleges nationwide.

The D.C. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program

The D.C. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program (DCLEAP) provides $1500 annually to those Washington D.C. school residents who show financial need. This award can be used at any accredited university nationwide. These funds are intended to be used to fill the gaps in a students financial aid package and cover many of the costs other than tuition that many students face when paying for books, housing, etc. This program is designed to help Washington D.C. school residents to find the extra help that they need to make ends meet while in college.

The D.C. Adoption Scholarship Program

The DC Adoption Scholarship (DCAS) provides up to $10,000 a year for post-high school education and training of District of Columbia children who were adopted through DCs Child and Family Services Agency, and/or children who lost one or both parents in the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. These funds are meant to help lower the financial burden to those who lost their parents due to the terrorist attacks and now must take the burden of paying for college on themselves. The grants are targeted toward those members of the community most affected by the attacks as well as keeping community awareness high about the continued impact that the attacks have had on the United States.

Stacey Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacey has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Luc Blog90357
Cible Blog74319

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Types of Whiskey: Round Three

Friends, Romans, Whiskey Lovers. After drinking in round one and round two of our whiskey lesson, we move onto the third and final round: American Whiskey. Now, it may seem that its a patriotic ploy on my part to dedicate an entire article to American Whiskey particularly when whiskies from other countries shared pages with each other but I assure you it is only due to the vastness American Whiskey contains. Hey, if you dont believe me, take it up with Jim and Jack.

American Whiskey comes in both blended and straight forms. Both types possess individual rules and regulations and, perhaps most importantly, unique tastes.

Tennessee Whiskey: A Gemini, this whiskey hails from its namesake and enjoys long walks on the beach and being made of corn. Tennessee Whiskey is similar to Bourbon in composition, at least fifty one percent must be maize based. It must then be aged in new barrels, usually for at least four years.

The main difference between Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey is that the latter is put through a filtering method called the Lincoln County Process. During this process, whiskey is filtered through a maple charcoal prior to aging. Ultimately, this gives Tennessee Whiskey a flavor that is highly removed from Bourbon. Today, Jack Daniels and George Dickel are the two Tennessee Whiskeys available.

Bourbon: Typically known as Kentuckys drink, Bourbon must be made up of at least 51 percent corn, but usually contains near 70 percent. The remaining ingredients include wheat, malted barely, or rye. Many Bourbons are aged for four years, but, by law, they must be aged for at least two years to be considered Straight."

Presently, the vast majority of Bourbon is made in Kentucky. It can, however, be made anywhere it is not illegal to distill spirits. Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Missouri, and Virginia all serve as states where Bourbon was once produced. The latter, Virginia, still produces some on occasion.

Corn Whiskey: The corniest whiskey around, corn whiskey is composed of at least 80 percent maize (no, this does not count towards the food pyramid's required servings of vegetables). The Dick Clark of whiskey, Corn Whiskey does not have to age. If it is aged, the aging is short, usually around six months.

This aging, or lack there of, is the main difference between Bourbon and Corn Whiskey. Bourbon must be aged in charred, new barrels whereas Corn Whiskey if its aged must be placed in either used barrels, or uncharred oak barrels.

Moonshine: Its hard to think about Prohibition without thinking about Moonshine. Slang for alcohol distilled at home, Moonshine likely got its name from being made, delivered, and distributed under darkness, when law enforcement wasnt as vigilant. During times when alcohol was outlawed, Moonshine was particularly popular and smuggled into homes and businesses.

Typically thought of as a very strong spirit, Moonshine is made when sugar is fermented by yeast and ethanol is produced. The alcohol is then separated through distillation. Since the process was initially illegal, Moonshine wasnt usually aged and sometimes contained toxins and lacked purity. Presently, it is still produced, mainly in Virginia.

So, there you have it. Go out and order Bourbon or a Jim Beam (try to stay away from the Moonshine) and make whiskey your own. Except if our paths cross: in that case, buy a round for me and make whiskey my own.

Jennifer Jordan is an editor and staff writer for At home in a design firm in Denver, Colorado, she writes articles specific to the finer things in life.Harold Blog35358
Ferdinand Blog93780

When is Music Learning Software Good, And When Is It Bad?

With the advent of computers there has been a proliferation of software purporting to do just about every learning task the modern guitar learner could ever want to accomplish. For example, I have a piece of software I picked up somewhere that would show you every inversion of every chord on the fretboard from any root.

There are drum machines, there are recorders, there are a million other ones that are not directly linked to learning guitar, but they never-the-less contrtibute to the completeness, or the more holistic processes of becoming a well-balanced creative. These are linked to learning in very direct ways, though they are not learning software, per se.

You could even consider an electronic brochure, book, pamphlet, or monograph a piece of learning software. It serves the same function.

When are these numerous directions each of these leads in worth pursuing, and when not? When is music learning software good, and what makes it bad?

It is all very subjective, and leads directly to the learner. The question is not always when is it good, and when is it bad. Sometimes it is best put by asking what can I get from this that I couldn't get elsewhere?

For example, the first example I gave of software that shows the chords on the guitar, this can give a person a grasp on how much work is involved, or help looking up a particular inversion, or voicing.

However, this software can be counter-productive in that it may stifle the student from learning to analyze chordal structures, and build these, from the students own memory. Also, what is a person to do with all these chords?

This is after all a very graspable subject. There is a tried and true method for obtaining this knowledge, so that the creative guitarist can draw on it "in the moment" and use it in their actual playing. So in this case, this software can actually stifle learning.

The bottom line, the learner has to be responsible for their own learning, and not get bogged down in techniques, software, learning methods. Just grab it and use it is the practical solution whenever confronted with new knowledge apllicable to creative gutiar playing.

Whenever faced with mutliple choices, I always try to explore the ends to which each of these leads. Knowledge-wise, this means pursuing as many learning angles as possible. The guitar is very conducive to this in that it is very logical, precise, learnable. It is not infinite after all. Quite the contrary. There are 12 notes. It is a huge system, but far from infinite.

It is like chess in some ways, there are a million moves, but only a few are really meanigful. Creativity, and the guitar, and songcraft, and are all very simple subjects when you get to the really important, "big picture" synthesis of it all.

In the meantime, just be aware in your learning that there is a way to grasp the most important, big picture, top-down knowledge apllicable to creative guitar. It is found in the Creative Guitar Mastery series of learning. This is my personal guarantee - that any of the knowledge you get from the series will enrich your playing in ways you will be thanking us for years to come! Or I will refund your money, no questions asked!

Let me know your thoughts.... E-mail me, J. Christian Miller at

Thanks for your time.


J. Christian Miller has been in the trenches playing guitar, publishing music, designing guitar learning for over 25 years. He designed and operates the Creative Guitar Mastery series of learning. Check out for more...Gabriel Blog32942
Keslie Blog74233

Tooth Whitening Product Review - Find The One That's Right For You

Tooth whitening continues to be a growth market, as we age and are teeth need to restore to their bright and clean youthful appearance. The market for tooth whiteners has actually grown 25% a year and is now worth over $600 million! The reason for this is that as we age our teeth naturally becomes stained and yellowed from use.

A quick tooth whitening product review will show that there are three basic types of teeth whitening methods.

The first, and most expensive, and arguably the most effective is a visit to the professional dental practice for laser or specialized teeth bleaching procedure. The cost of these dental procedures is much higher than any do it yourself option. Still, you can be assured that you will receive not only a brighter whiter smile, but also good dental care. You should always consider having your teeth examined before starting any tooth whitening treatments. The reason for this is that the chemicals used to bleached tooth enamel can be painful, if used on the decayed or damage teeth

If you're interested in doing it at home however, there are many products on the market that do an effective job with most stains and yellowing. Most reputable tooth whitening product reviews suggest that home teeth whitening kits are a good way to get a bright and white smile and restore your teeth to their youthful beauty. Many of the different tooth whitening products available come with a long list of testimonials offered by satisfied customers.

Although you cannot fully trust testimonials, the fact that many people have written in is an indication of customer satisfaction. Remember doing tooth whitening at home and involves more time and patience than at the dentist office. So as you go through tooth whitening product reviews, remember that there's a trade-off between speed and cost. If you want fast, the professional tooth whitening offerings can dramatically whiten your teeth in only one visit. Home tooth whitening products regardless of the review will take at least one week and probably two to achieve similar results.

Evaluating the Evaluations

A tooth whitening product review should provide basic information on what the consumer should consider.

Things like:

Product ingredients: Care should be taken when you consider any teeth whitening system. Many kits seem to offer much more whitening gel and others. The reason for this may be that they've simply added more fillers to give the appearance of additional gel. These fillers only mean that you need more product to do the same amount of cleaning and whitening. It also means a bigger mess when doing a treatment.

Whitening gel strength: Many products claim that they have extra strength whitening gel. Although true, you must remember that the stronger the active whitening compound, the more aggressive it will be on your teeth. This means that although the product may whiten faster, you run the risk of your teeth becoming sensitive to temperature and damage to your gums.

Customer Service: the difference between dealing with a good company and a bad company becomes evident when something goes wrong. Big companies are interested in staying in contact with their customers and taking care of them within reason. Although many people today have abused the definition of customer service, most online businesses continue to be interested in you as a long-term customer. Any review should consider the ability of a consumer to connect with the company

Finally, there's a price and value. There's always a trade-off between speed and cost. Teeth whiteners are available in all prices in the market and only each of us as consumers can decide, which is the right mix of benefits and cost So no matter what tooth whitening product you select, it must the your needs. All the ratings in the world cannot make a good product fit your lifestyle or your ability to follow through with the directions

Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects which include family, health, and home. For more info on teeth whitening visit and http://www.4-home-teeth-whitening.comFourier Blog2054
Loreen Blog30582

Loans For Every Occasion: Home Loans, Payday Loans, Student Loans And More...

At some point in life, it is almost guaranteed that you will be applying for a loan of some sort. Paying cash for products and services is not only becoming obsolete, it's terribly inconvenient. Today, credit is a way of life, and as more and more people begin to shop online, plastic is the currency accepted everywhere.

The most basic of loans is of course, the credit card. Companies that issue credit cards make money every month that you carry a balance, and they are betting on the fact that you won't pay off the balance every month.

Some loans actually make good business sense. Why would anyone want to shell out $300,000 for a new home when they could get a Home Loan and pay $1,000.00 a month, and then deduct the interest paid from their income taxes? That three hundred grand could be put to work in other investments, and could conceivably earn more for you than you are actually paying for the house! And all that time, if you time it right, your house becomes more and more valuable.

There are also times when for many people things just arent going well financially. An unexpected expense occurs and you find yourself just coming up short on your living expenses. Many types of loans exist for this type of situation, both secured and unsecured.

Maybe you just need some quick cash to get through the holidays, and intend to pay the loan off within the next few pay periods. Companies offering short term Payday Loans abound both on the Internet and off. Some with no credit check will transfer up to $1,500 into your bank account within 24 hours.

Student loans, auto loans, small business loans, personal loans, home loans, second mortgages, payday loans, government loans, bad credit loans, loans to consolidate other loans there is a loan for just about any occasion out there.

The question is how much are you going to pay for your loan? And the answer to that depends in most cases on your credit history.

Your Credit History: Weather or not you get the loan, and how much it will cost you.

It is never too early to start establishing credit, and the best way to do this is with a credit card. If you are finding it difficult to obtain a credit card because you have no history, you can always buy your history by applying for a secured credit card or line of credit. Put down $500 or $1,000 and borrow against it. Make sure the institution you are applying to reports to the major credit bureaus, use the line of credit and pay your bills on time, and voila you have a credit history! There is nothing wrong with carrying a balance over, just pay the minimum or a bit more, and pay it on time! Creditors like to think they will be making some money off of you.

What Lenders are Looking For

While different institutions have different criteria, there are some generalizations one can make about how they determine the creditworthiness of an applicant. Make no mistake about it; creditors are in the business of making money. If your credit is less than perfect, it doesnt necessarily mean you wont get the loan, but you will be paying more for it!

After receiving your application, a lender will then acquire a credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, Trans Union, or Experian. This is your credit history. Taking into account such factors as your income, the balances in your checking and savings accounts, the assets you own, the length of time you have been at your current job and place of residence, the amount you owe other creditors, and how promptly you pay your bills, the potential lender will then make a determination on if you will get the loan, and how much they will charge you for it.

Frequent late payments, bankruptcy, repossessions, legal judgment liens, or accounts being turned over to collection agencies do not bode well for obtaining a loan. That being said, most creditors realize that life happens, and such legitimate circumstances like an unexpected illness, injury, or the loss of your job do not necessarily reflect negatively on your creditworthiness.

When Things Take a Turn for the Worse

If you are in the process of paying on a loan or loans and one of these unforeseen circumstances befall you, talk to your loan officer. Most loan institutions find it in their best interest to work with the lendee, and will often make the necessary arrangements to make it easier for you to make your payments. Just remember, they want their money, and the last thing they want is for you to default on your loan, or heaven forbid, declare bankruptcy!

Michael Talbert is an author that writes on a variety of topics. Visit The Loan Station at for more information.Hugues Blog15297
Beryl Blog26677

Get Creative to Relieve Stress

There are many things we can do to relieve stress, ranging from small routine changes (such as avoiding rush hour traffic) to large drastic life changes (such as quitting our stressful jobs!).

At the smaller end of the scale, I believe one of the best ways that you can relieve stress is to 'get creative'.

What can you do to get creative? Anything you like, as long as 'you' do the creating!

It could be physical or mental creativity (preferably both), big or small. For example, is it about time you changed your garden around? Changed those dull old patio slabs? Now would be a good idea to get creative.

To relieve stress you have to do something you can be proud of. You need to be able to stand back and say to yourself, `Yep, I did that and I did a terrific job'.

Take the example above, if you're not physically able (and would have to employ someone to do the labouring for you) you could still design the garden yourself! Teach yourself a little about landscape gardening and design the best garden you can. If you are able to labour for yourself, design and build it entirely yourself! And most important of all, give yourself a pat on the back once you've finished and be proud of your hard work.

But it doesn't have to be so big (or so expensive). You could make a model aeroplane, do your own painting, and make something from clay, or anything at all.

One of my friends recently bought his own materials and built a magnificent kite! He said it felt great to finish it, but when he stood back and actually saw his achievement (i.e. when it was flying) he felt truly elated. Now that's stress relief!

Form a personal point of view, having suffered with a phobia of public speaking for so long, I always wanted to set up my own website - to be able to communicate in another way, freely, without the troubles I would usually have. When I eventually found a way to set up my site the pride and sense of achievement I felt was enormous. And with that pride and achievement came the stress relief I was after.

So from the examples above I hope you can see how you too can get creative to relive stress. The list of things you could do is endless.

Now it's time for the hard part. . . getting started!

(c) Paul EvansBenoit Blog41689
Georges Blog23307

Tips For Finding Affordable Health Insurance Quotes

If you're in need of affordable health insurance quotes individual and family, a highly recommend that you simply get online and start looking for free life insurance quotes. After you get several of these in hand contact the company directly and ask him if there's any way that you can get these things lower. This is called negotiating my friend and it works.

When you got quotes in hand and you can get on the telephone with these people and say I notice your quote of $50 of that code here for $40 for the same thing, is there any way possible that you can meet or beat that price? If they can't then you move on to the next one. Don't burn any bridges by the any means, but keep notes of who has the lowest quote's, what the actual pros and cons of each policy are, look at the different savings advantages by raising your deductibles, etc., you get the idea.

And if you're looking for affordable health insurance quotes for individual and family, I hope you realize that there's going to be a substantial difference for individual life insurance costs and family life insurance costs. With individual plans I highly recommend getting the higher deductible because it's easier for you to pay every day doctor visit costs out-of-pocket and carry the insurance itself in case of major expenses such as hospitalization. This is much more difficult to do for a family because the everyday costs of visiting a doctor would get out of hand quickly.

As I stated previously, your best bet is to start getting several free life insurance quotes right now and again touch with the insurance agents directly and leverage the quotes that you have in your hand. Just like in any business people are going to be more likely to give you a discount rather than send them to your competition and let them take the sale.

Joe Stewart is a former Health Insurance agent that now provides expert information to others.Lona Blog56638
Kyla Blog9603

What Happens When 3 Extraordinary Teachers from 'The Secret' Come Together to Teach the Science of Getting Rich?

The Science of Getting Rich is a timeless classic written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. It is a bold title for a book and suggests that getting rich is a predictable outcome if one can master the principles outlined in the book. Here is how Wallace D. Wattles puts it in his own words, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

Certainly, this book is well referenced by many of the great teachers today and it is the same book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to produce that runaway success "the Secret". Here is what Rhonda Byrne said on her introductory note to the book, "I can honestly say that, since that first night when a tattered printed manuscript found its way to me (thanks to one of my daughters), my life has never been the same. Once you read it for yourself, you will understand why". Rhonda went on to produce the movie "the Secret" and the best-selling book of the same title which has sold millions of copies worldwide.

However, learning how to do things in that "certain way" as described by Wallace D. Wattles may be more challenging for some as the book was written nearly 100 years ago. Some of the language is a little dated and much of its wisdom lost from a modern day perspective.

Fortunately, a new training seminar for the Science of Getting Rich has brought the wisdom of this timeless classic back to life for modern readers. Called "the Science of Getting Rich", this program is the most comprehensive training system for mastering Wallace D. Wattles wealth creation philosophies and principles since its creation. It comprises written, audio and live seminar formats for learning, applying and mastering the Science of Getting Rich.

A unique "twist" to the program is the fact that it has an in-built vehicle for creating substantial financial wealth through its affiliate program. This is truly a unique wealth eduction and wealth building program designed to empower any individual with the resources to get rich. It is a program whose time has come. The program would not be possible without the original text from Wallace D. Wattles, the skills of leading teachers of our time, the phenomenal success of "the Secret" and the Internet as a learning and distribution tool.

The Science of Getting Rich Teachers:

Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor is an author, lecturer, counselor, business consultant, entrepreneur, and teacher preaching the gospel of positive thinking, self-motivation and maximizing human potential. In that endeavor, he follows in the footsteps of such motivational giants as Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale and Wallace D. Wattles.

His extraordinary teaching ability has won Proctor acclaim around the globe and has carried the Canadian-born motivator to the far reaches of the earth. He is as well known in Australia and Malaysia as he is in Alberta and Mississippi.

Born in a little town in northern Ontario, Canada with the low self-esteem that often befalls a family's middle child, he performed poorly in school, dropped out and did a hitch in the navy. Afterward he drifted from one dead-end job to another until a friend introduced Bob to the concept of self-development through Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich.

With the spark generated by Hill's words, Proctor found the initiative to start an office cleaning business which he grew to international scope in his first year of operation. From that experience - after seeing what he had been able to accomplish with just a rudimentary knowledge of personal motivation and goal-setting - he hungered for more information.

His quest took him to the Nightingale-Conant organization to study under his mentor, Earl Nightingale. Once on board, he rose swiftly through the ranks. Eventually, while the Nightingale-Conant organization assumed the forefront in wide-scale distribution of personal development programs, Bob felt the need to take his ideas and methods directly to the individual, to the one-on-one level which had proved so successful for himself.

In the mid 1970's, Proctor established his own seminar company and secured a contract to work with a few hundred agents of Prudential Life Insurance Co. of America in Chicago. During his first seminar Bob made the suggestion that any agent present could write $5 million in business that year if the agent made a decision to do so.

The fact that the seminar took place in July with the year half over and that no agent in that region had ever written so much business in the 100-year history of the company made Bob's suggestion appear to be outrageous. However, when the performance level of the entire division increased substantially with more than one agent actually accomplishing the deed, Bob's reputation as a motivator was established.

Over the ensuing years, Proctor has shared his special message and expertise with hundreds of business entities worldwide and, through a program of live seminars, with thousands of people of all ages in all walks of life.

Meanwhile, in addition to his international best-seller You Were Born Rich, he found time to author other works as well, including Mission in Commission, The Winner's Image, The Goal Achiever, The Success Series, The Success Puzzle, The Recruiting Puzzle, and Being Your Very Best.

Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is an American motivational speaker, trainer and author. He is best known as the founder and co-creator of The New York Times No. 1 best-selling "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series, which currently has over 65 titles and 80 million copies in print in over 37 languages. According to USA Today, Canfield and his writing partner, Mark Victor Hansen, were the top-selling authors in the United States in 1997.

With a BA from Harvard University, a Masters from University of Massachusetts, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Santa Monica, Canfield has been a high school and university teacher, a workshop facilitator, a psychotherapist, and for the past 30 years, a leading authority in the area of self-esteem and personal development.

Canfield is the founder of "Self Esteem Seminars" in Santa Barbara, and "The Foundation for Self Esteem" in Culver City, California. Self Esteem Seminars trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and employees on how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals, while The Foundation for Self Esteem provides self-esteem resources and trainings to social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals. Canfield is also the President of, a speaking resource service that provides inspirational speakers for event planners worldwide.

Canfield has traveled to over 21 countries, delivering hundreds of keynote speeches, workshops and trainings each year. As part of his presentation style, he always uses inspirational, motivational and uplifting stories to help his audiences discover, experience and retain key concepts and approaches. After each session, audiences everywhere had encouraged him to put his stories into a single book.

In 1990, while on an airplane home, he felt that it was time. He shared his idea with author Mark Victor Hansen during breakfast one day. Hansen liked the idea, and so began the Chicken Soup for the Soul phenomenon. But with their busy schedules, translating what worked on the podium onto the written page proved more challenging than either of them had anticipated. After three long years, the two had compiled just sixty-eight stories a far cry from the 101 they believed was the magic number for a successful book. Nonetheless, their successful partnership has spawned many other titles that have made them enormously famous.

Canfield has appeared on numerous television shows, including Good Morning America, 20/20, Eye to Eye, CNNs Talk Back Live, PBS and the BBC. Today, he speaks shares his success strategies with companies and associations worldwide.

The most recent book Canfield has written was the 2005 publication of The Success Principles. In it Canfield shares 64 principles that he and other people have utilized to achieve great levels of success.

Copyright (c) 2007 Mene AsijeKoressa Blog99540
Kriste Blog22676

Washington DC Schools Improves Its After-school Program

The Wallace Foundation Invests $8 Million in Washington DC Schools

Washington DC Schools after schools and out of school programs are getting a boost from the nonprofit DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation and The Wallace Foundation. The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation is works to increase the quality, quantity and accessibility of services for children, youth and families in the Washington DC area. The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation is responsible for giving funds to community organizations for out-of-school time programs, youth entrepreneurship programs, and early childhood development programs and parent centers. The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation has recently received the promise of $8 million from The Wallace Foundation for Washington DC Schools after school programs. The Wallace Foundation is a national foundation that aims to support the ideas and practices that expand learning and enrichment opportunities. The Wallace Foundation currently lists its three goals as: strengthening education leadership to improve student achievement; enhancing out-of-school learning opportunities; and expanding participation in arts and culture.

The Wallace Foundations Learning in Communities

Washington DC Schools were chosen to be apart of The Wallace Foundations Learning in Communities initiative. Learning in Communities strives to develop comprehensive methods for learning in and organizing after school programs that have very high standards. The Learning in Communities initiative has begun in three Washington DC Schools middle schools, Charles Hart Middle School, Kelly Miller Middle School, and Lincoln Middle School. The program currently serves around 600 students but the plan is to expand the program to all middle schools in the Washington DC Schools. The Learning in Communities initiative has help to establish high quality activities outside of the school day; after school, on weekends, and during the summer.

The Learning in Communities, guided by the DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation, has created partnerships with Washington DC mayors office, Washington DC Schools, leaders, local universities, private foundations, parents, and the community. This partnership is now aiming to add an additional $8 million to the $8 million that has been donated by The Wallace Foundation. This partnership also aims to institute employee volunteers to act as mentors or tutors starting in the 2006-2007 school year.

The Learning in Communities initiative is starting in middle schools in Washington DC Schools due to national educational research that has indicated that middle school age children are the best group to help from failing later. The research shows that middle school students who have one or more of the following risk factors are less likely to graduate from high school. The four identified risk factors are failing English, failing math, poor behavior, and truancy. Middle school students in the Washington DC Schools often must deal with added obstacles, such as living below the poverty line, having limited English proficiency and high truancy rates. Washington DC Schools now have more than 150 programs that serve at least some middle-school students but the Learning in Communities initiative aims to put an after school program in every middle school in the Washington DC Schools. The Learning in Communities initiative will improve Washington DC Schools after school and summer programs by connecting the programs, producing diverse quality programs that fit childrens needs, developing better standards for training providers, and creating a database that will allow officials to match children with after-school programs.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more on Washington DC schools visit Blog31576
Legra Blog72152

Video Surveillance Camera Technology

Video surveillance cameras are more prevalent today than anytime in the past. Their use has surged along with the boom in technology as this new technology becomes cheaper and more sophisticated. There are numerous types and styles of surveillance cameras. For example, there dome cameras, hidden cameras, smoke detecting cameras, and "smart" cameras that are equipped with motion detectors, just to name a few.

Video surveillance cameras are classified according to the technology that is used in their design. CCTV [closed circuit TV] cameras are those that have a completely closed circuit and all the components are connected together. On the other hand, advanced digital cameras are those that connected by a circuit but can be located at any site around the world. Digital video recorders [DVRs] do not need VCR's and other recording equipment in order to capture or record on-site activities. The software is designed to automatically record unusual activity even in odd hours of the day.

You can find video surveillance cameras used in many different places. They are used in school buses and schools to monitor activities of students. You will also find them being used in retail establishments, public gathering places, traffic reporting, and many more places. Small hidden cameras know as nanny cams have been used successfully by parents concerned about their children's care from sitters and caretakers. Hidden cameras are also available for sale in brick and mortar stores and on the Internet. You find these cameras hidden in clocks, smoke detectors, and soft toys such as a teddy bear, just to name a few.

This style of camera is differentiated according to its effectiveness. A 360-degree revolving dome camera can capture images anywhere on the site. Infrared surveillance type cameras are found used by government and law enforcement agencies such as the SWAT for tailing suspects at night. They too are found mounted in police helicopters to aid them in searching suspects hidden in brush by either day or night.

Detective agencies and security agencies use these cameras to monitor people at their client's request. It is currently lawful in most areas to install a camera in a common public area and record public activities; however, there is a lot of debate over this subject. Even government agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] need a warrant in order to carry out video surveillance in private places or homes. Small hand held cameras, also available in the marketplace, help monitor the elderly and in nurseries and preschools where children are kept under watch.

Video surveillance cameras are available in the price range of $100 to $800 for the most part. However, it depends on the complexity of the technology used in them. Well-made fake cameras are also available for as less as $3, which act as deterrents for robbers and thieves but are not recommended in some applications.

Bill Wallmuller is the founder of Merokee Enterprises and is committed everyone's safety and the war on crime. Please visit http://www.surveillance-equipment-technology.comFiacre Blog66415
Baudouin Blog80713